My name is Keld Juul Michaelsen, and I'm a teacher in my daily work. I'm a certified fishing guide, and fly fishing is my great passion. I have fished on the coast since 1980 and only fly since 2005. My home waters are Isefjord, Roskilde Fjord & the Northcoast, and my favorite fish is seatrout/searun brown. I fish a lot, and as a fishing guide I offer guided trips around the coast of Zealand fishing for seatrout. You can be guided in groups but private guided tours are also an option. We will seek out the best places of the season and most likely, more in a day. Of course with strategy, gear composition and casting intro, if desired. So contact me if you need to get started with danish coastal flyfishing. But please also contact me if you are spin fishing, since I have a lot of experience in spin fishing too and still do it once and awhile.
I will do my best to give you a good experience on the coast and bring you forward in the hunt for "silver" on the Danish coast ...
I speak English and German
Half a dag 4 hours 2000,-kr/270,- Euro
A whole day 8 hours 3000-kr/400,- Euro
The price is for max 4 persons.
Please contact me, if you have other wishes...
Contact me by mail:
May the fish be with you Keld Michaelsen Fabulous Fly Fishing
I’ll recommend a 9’ to 9½' # 6 or 7 rod and floating or intermediate line but bring both lines, if you have them. If you have a shootinghead system it’s even better, but a WF will also do fine. On the flyreel 100 meter backing and a 3 meter leader with the he tippet diameter 0,26/10 lbs. You'll also need waders and a fishing jacket and warm clothes. A stripping basket is also an advantage, if you have one. The flies are imitations of shrimps or baitfish on size 4-8 hooks.
I’ll provide flies and danish fishing permit if desired.
If you use Google translate, it'll hopefully give you an idea of, what's happening on the coast
Britta Hebert
02.05.2022 15:06
Hi Keld - I was referred to you by Niels Pedersen to see if you are available for a half day guided fly fishing day at Ishøj between August 3-8? I'll be visiting family there. Thanks! Britta
Seneste kommentarer
02.05 | 15:06
Hi Keld - I was referred to you by Niels Pedersen to see if you are available for a half day guided fly fishing day at Ishøj between August 3-8? I'll be visiting family there. Thanks! Britta
09.06 | 07:06
Hej Michael. Ja træning er helt klart vejen frem og evt. et kastekursus. Udover det jeg nævner under "Linerne" vil jeg anbefale ArcticSilvers MD Compact WF og skydehoveder #8 (8,5 m klump)
08.06 | 12:17
Hej Keld. allerførst tak for svar. der er vel ikke så meget at gøre end at træne. Men hvis nu jeg ville investere? Jeg har en 9 fods #8 Grey Fluestang, hvad skulle jeg så have på hjulet?
Mvh Michael
06.06 | 14:28
Hej Michael. Det er jeg da glad for at høre. Men vent med skydehoved setup til kastene kører med WF helline. Når kastene kører er skydehoved en klar fordel på kysten.